Return to Castle Wolfenstein PC Game Free Download


Return to Castle then Wolfenstein (from Eng.  -  ”Return to Castle Wolfenstein”) – a computer game , a first person shooter developed by id Software , Gray Gray Matter Interactive has , Nerve Software and published by Activision November 20 2001 the year exclusively for personal computers running operating systems families the Microsoft the Windows , the Linux and the Mac OS . Single-user version of the game is being developed by Gray Gray Matter Interactive has , while Nerve Software did a multiplayer version of the game . Id Software , the creator of the original game Wolfenstein 3D and the owner of the brand , served as guide to develop the game. In 2010, the original game code has been published under license from the GPL [1] .

The player will have to go in the shoes of Agent-2 from the Organization Office of Secret Actions (OSA), by the name of William “BJ” Blaskowitz who was the protagonist of Wolfenstein 3D . He was arrested March 17, 1943 and, together with the Agent-1 has been sent to prison in the Castle Wolfenstein, where the agent-1 dies under torture . Having managed to escape and killed the bulk of the castle guard, Blatskovich leaves the cable car and meets with a group of fighters of the Resistance “Kreyzau” Kessler. Wounded in the shootout, Kessler can not follow the hero, but gives him a task – to get blog Professor Zemfa conducting under the supervision of an officer Paranormal Division SS Helga von Bulow excavations in the old crypt .

The crypt, is not only filled with traps, but also teeming with voracious DRAUGR . However Blatskovich not only finds a diary, but sneaking into an abandoned church where Zemf Helga and conduct experiments over the corpse of “Dark Knight.” On his way there are elite guards SS, but he still catches Helga – just when she awakens monster that cost her life. Miraculously won an unequal battle with an ancient evil agent picks up the plane.

A few months later Blatskovich again sent on a mission. His mission – to prevent the German evil genius, Oberführer SS Wilhelmstrasse nicknamed “Dead Head”, put on the London chemical hit by a rocket the newly formed ” V-2 “. Hidden in the supply truck, it gets hidden in the bunker on the missile base and disables the rocket . When withdrawing it consumes a huge radar and finally safely returned to the occupied allies Malta , having stolen an experimental jet plane ” Cobra ” speeds up to 500 knots.

The next mission of the hero held in the German town of Kugelshtadt, which is rumored to have developed some sverhskorostrelnoe deadly weapon . Kugelshtadt bombarded Allied aircraft, and soon Blatskovich and a detachment of Resistance on captured tank , covering each other, break through to the factory, along the way helping the detachment of “Kreyzau” save jump scientist factory. Tank door knocks and agent penetrates virtually destroyed the factory where manages to find the documentation for the machine gun multilateral malice . He then falls into a complex secret weapon, which is a working example of a machine gun, met with jumpers and eventually sees Death’s head floats on a submarine . Where – Blatskovich learns interrogating captured German officer.

Meanwhile, the scientist says is saved on the project with a short and clear name – «Übersoldat» ( «Uber Soldier”), which leads Death’s head in his X-labs. Blatskovich landed in Norway , and with the battle paves the way to the lair of the Wilhelmstrasse. The latter, having learned about it, orders to deal with the intruder. To do this, scientists released on freedom of all “samples” – Jumpers and Proto-soldiers , and those satisfied on the basis of a pogrom in the best traditions of a horror movie. Despite this, the agent not only takes place on the lower level, but also carries with it a “book project”. Downstairs Blatskovich gets trapped to the Head of Death, who “politely” introduces him with the prototype of the “Uber Soldier” – a huge cyborg armor, which would have envied tank. When the “test animal” by some miracle still wins this machine of death, a villain hiding in plane “Cobra”.

Of the projects of the book it turns out that all the previous missions were tied agent and objective of the SS Paranormal Division – to revive the King of Saxony Henry I of , for which invited medium Marianna Blavatsky. Blatskovich, entering the town next to the excavations, destroying the top of the division, but does not manage to stop the ritual of initiation in the super-Dark Knights – its share falls only fight with the two remaining super-soldiers.

Passage to the place of the main ritual is closed, and the agent has to pass through the ancient part of the dilapidated castle Wolfenstein. Near the castle Blavatsky conducts the ritual, and bringing the Dark Knights in the victim awakens Henry that “in gratitude” koldunyu- turns it into a zombie . Just at that moment a stone arena bursts Blatskovich and enter into the final battle … The advantage of weapons of the twentieth century on the magic of the tenth century, it is obvious – after a long battle Henry utters a prolonged cry, and finally sent to the light, taking with him all his zombies, all the magic powers castle and plans Genriha Gimmlera to conquer the world.

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Screenshots of Return to Castle Wolfenstein

Return to Castle Wolfenstein Minimum System Requirements

CPU: Pentium® II 400 Mhz processor or Athlon® processor
GPU: 3-D Hardware Accelerator (with 16MB VRAM with full OpenGL® support)
DX: 100% DirectX® 8.0a (included)
OS: English version of Windows® 95 OSR2/98/ME/NT4.0 (SP6)/2000/XP Operating System 
Store: 800 MB of uncompressed hard disk space for game files (Minimum Install), plus 300 MB for the Windows swap file
Sound: 100% DirectX 3.0 or higher compatible sound card and drivers
Resolution: 16-bit high color video mode

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